Roles and Responsabilities
The responsibilities listed below are essential in an efficient QA area.

It's important to note that the absence or deficiency of any one of these responsibilities can compromise the end result.

Remember that a professional can be qualified to play more than one role.

All roles require a commitment to quality, user experience (UX), and teamwork.
QA Manager
• Identifying risks.
• Defining a clear vision of risks and its coverage.
• Meeting deadlines.
• Respecting the budget.
• Prioritization.
• Tasks distribution.
• Productivity assessment.
• Clear vision of project progress.
• Team training.
QA Architect
• Innovation.
• Definition of appropriate processes for the company.
• Contribution to management visions.
• Participation in defining the test environment.
• Collaboration on backup policy.
• Improvement of the technologies used.
• Simplification.
• Monitoring the performance of the defined architecture and supporting it.
QA Analyst
• Use of intellectual potential.
• Understanding the functionalities of the software being evaluated.
• Identification of critical functionalities and risks.
• Participation in planning meetings and definition of functionalities.
• Specifying tests.
• Development of "no code" tests.
• Defining the data required.
• Creation of strategies for dealing with the data involved.
• Clear guidance for the Test Executor and Automator.
• Management of environment incidents and scripts.
• Log analysis and identification of bugs and glitches.
• Analysis of defects reported by the client.
• Precise and well-documented communication of bugs and glitches.
• Monitoring the resolution of bugs and glitches.
• Versioning certifications.
Test Automator
• Clear understanding of the automation specification.
• Development of automation scripts.
• Delivery of scripts for Test Analyst validation and support.
• Improvement as a developer, following best practices.
• Setting realistic deadlines.
• Clear understanding of their tasks.
• Execution of manual and automated tests.
• Organization and meticulousness when handling data.